Interview 183a : In this interview with Jonathan Gerland, Algianon Jeffero reminisces about his life as a child, a student, an educator, and an employee of the Boy Scouts of America. After growing up in Huntsville, Texas, Mr. Jeffero attended Prairie View A&M University where he played on the National Championship football team. He graduated with a degree in Vocational Agriculture and moved to Littlefield, Texas to teach and coach. After one semester in West Texas, Mr. Jeffero returned to East Texas in 1956 and began teaching AG classes at H.G. Temple School, Diboll's African American school. Mr. Jeffero taught in Diboll and sponsored the New Farmer's of America club until 1967, when he left education to begin working for the Boy Scouts of America. He left Diboll before the schools were fully integrated, but he does remember the beginnings of the process.