Interview 226a : In this interview with Jonathan Gerland, Lufkin native Rayford Faircloth reminisces about growing up in Lufkin and working for the Temple Companies throughout his career. He started as the first Temple building material salesman in Arkansas and then went to work for Horace Stubblefield at Sabine Investment Company in the late 1960's. As part of Sabine, Mr. Faircloth helped develop the company's properties in Diboll and Pineland (including the golf course), the area surrounding lakes Sam Rayburn and Toledo Bend, and most notably, Crown Colony in Lufkin. He was involved in developing all parts of those areas, including business, residential, golf course, and country club. He talks about working for Arthur Temple, Jr., dealing with the Corps of Engineers at the lakes, and developing a master planned golf course community and all that entailed. He also mentions Ben Anthony, Clyde Thompson, and golf course design firm Von Hagge Devlin.