The History Center is proud to announce that our friends and supporters Ellen and the late Buddy Temple were the recipients of the Angelina Award on January 28, 2016. Given by the Lufkin/Angelina County Chamber of Commerce at the 96th Annual Banquet at the Pitser Garrison Convention Center, the award honors Ellen and Buddy for their efforts to enhance the community and protect the area's natural resources. Although the award honors their many years of commitment to Angelina County's communities, citizens, and institutions, it especially honored the recent protection of 19,000 acres of Neches River bottomland, known as Boggy Slough. The T.L.L. Temple Foundation and the Conservation Fund will protect the lands from development and ensure that one of the last large areas of Neches River bottomland will be kept together and preserved naturally.
The award ceremony featured a video highlighting the couple's work and their history of community involvement and nature conservation, courtesy of Zimmerman Communications.