Building & Grounds

 Building & Grounds

he His­to­ry Cen­ter is designed in the Crafts­man archi­tec­tur­al style, high­light­ing the nat­ur­al beau­ty and func­tion of wood. This is espe­cial­ly evi­dent in the inte­ri­or spaces, where native pine and cypress make up the floors, walls, and ceil­ings. Local­ly made Stick­ley-styled quar­ter-sawn white oak fur­ni­ture is used through­out the read­ing room and oth­er pub­lic areas.

Adding to the Center’s nat­ur­al beau­ty is a land­scape design which fea­tures East Texas native grass­es, plants and trees. Among the trees are loblol­ly pine, white oak, bald cypress, sycamore, shu­mard oak, swamp chest­nut oak, red maple, and east­ern red bud. Grass­es and plants include gulf muh­ly, bluestem (lit­tle, big, and split­beard), switch­grass, Indi­an grass, wax myr­tle, crossvine, car­oli­na jas­mine, Vir­ginia sweet­spire, Dam B” wis­te­ria, and coralberry.

See Build­ing & Grounds Exhibit

J.E. King­ham Con­struc­tion Com­pa­ny
(gen­er­al con­trac­tor)

Good­win-Lasiter (archi­tects)

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