In February each year, The History Center highlights collections and exhibits that showcase our African American history collections. This week, we highlight H. G. Temple School by linking to an online exhibit. This exhibit records the images and stories of the students and teachers that were the foundation of Diboll's African American school. H.G. Temple School was the center of the community before integration, serving as a place of education and civic pride, and as a focal point for uniting the African American community. Former students and educators still gather for reunions and reminisce about their days at the school, honoring the administrators, teachers, and parents that insisted on a community supported center of education that would prepare students for a changing and challenging world.
From 1942 until 1968, when Diboll’s schools fully integrated, Diboll’s African American children and teenagers learned, played, and grew within the walls of H.G. Temple School. The school claims as alumni teachers, sports stars, business people, and several generations of citizens that contributed to their communities, churches, families, and workplaces. The History Center is proud to be part of keeping alive the memory of this place and its people, and we are always looking to add to our H.G. Temple School and African American history collections, because the history of Diboll includes the history of all of its people.
Please enjoy this online exhibit that showcases part of The History Center's H.G. Temple collection and honors the administrators, students, teachers, and community members that loved their school.